Respect for the environment drives us to concrete actions and sound commitments.
Sustainability Report 2023
Sustainability Report 2022
Sustainability Report 2021
The Group’s culture is based on observing a common system of values, on creating and maintaining an environment in which the employees are encouraged and supported to reach their maximum potential.
Employees are one of the most important resources of the Group. They, according to a regular planning, are involved in continuous development programs and registered for training sessions appropriate for the position they hold within the Group.
The Group’s sustainable development policy is focused on the following directions:
increase competitiveness through innovation and transfer of new technologies
environmental protection through the implementation of environmental management systems
ensuring more efficient processes or lower consumption of natural resources
organisational development and integration of IT systems
communication and human resources development through interactive methods and simulations of key cases
Among the measures adopted for protecting the environment and reducing the consumption of natural resources (including the reduction of CO2 footprint), in 2021 the Group purchased 14 vehicles with alternative fuel (GPL). Furthermore, for 2022 the Group envisages the initiation of a project in the area of domestic transport with tractor head fueled by GNC.
Aquila is involved in supporting the community of which it is part, through various initiatives such as:
development of a playground area of 400 square meters that it donated to Ploiești Town hall
subsidies granted for educational projects: "Științescu" program, dedicated to children in rural area for the development of skills in physical sciences
sponsoring sports clubs for students
sponsoring social cases
sponsoring school competitions
As an industry leader, we have a responsibility to use our position and resources to set an example in terms of social and environmental responsibility. We respect our commitments:
Reduce the Group’s carbon footprint by up to 10% in 5 years
Optimizing the delivery routes through cross-docking platforms
Implementing new logistics systems to optimize and increase the filling rate of warehouses and/or vehicles
Applying systems to streamline the electricity consumption of the warehouses, using renewable energy and led-based electrical installations
Equipping the sales department with vehicles having last generation engines, low polluting and electric
Reduce the waste derived from the Group’s activity
Using the warehouse management systems to reduce the waste resulted from storage services
Implementing projects for the use of recyclable packaging
In the process of obtaining the certification for the first eco warehouse (specific requirements for eco goods)
Replacing old equipment with less pollutant ones:
70% of Aquila fleet equipped with Euro 6 engines
Replace all non-Euro 6 vehicles so as the entire fleet is equipped with Euro 6 engines until